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According to the nature and objectives, operations are divided into diagnostic, radical and palliative. Diagnostic operations allow the surgeon to make a more accurate diagnosis and are, in some cases, the only diagnostically reliable method, radical surgery completely eliminates the pathological process, palliative facilitates the patient’s general condition for a short time. The deadlines distinguish between emergency, urgent and planned operations. Emergency operations require immediate execution (stop bleeding, tracheostomy, etc.). Urgent operations may be postponed until the diagnosis is clarified and the patient is prepared for the operation. Planned operations are performed after a detailed examination of the patient and the necessary preparation for the operation. Modern surgery is increasingly becoming reconstructive surgery, that is, aimed at restoring or replacing the affected organ - vessel prosthesis, artificial heart valve, reinforcement with synthetic mesh of the hernia gate, etc., and minimally invasive, that is, minimizing the volume and area of ​​intervention in the body - mini-accesses, laparoscopic techniques, endovascular surgery, and molecular surgery