+37494840986 / +37499016063
Laboratory equipment
Dental equipment
ENT equipment
Ophthalmological equipment
Sterilization and disinfection
Diagnostic equipment
Gynecological equipment
Dermatological equipment
Cosmetology equipment
Surgical Equipment
Pulmonary equipment
Computed tomography CT
Иммуноферментный анализатор
Гематологический анализатор
Биохимический анализатор
Laboratory microscopes
Laboratory freezer
Пасматрет все категори
Стоматологическая установка
Эндомотор с апекслокатором
Портативный рентгеновский аппарат
Интраоральная камера
Dental ceramic kiln
Пасматрет все категори
Импульсный оксиметр (Пульсоксиметр)
Электрокардиограф (ЭКГ)
Электроэнцефалограф (ЭЭГ)
Electromyograph (EMG)
Сонограф (УЗИ)
Концентратор кислорода
Patient monitor
Пасматрет все категори
Phototherapy excimer laser
Light therapy apparatus
Low level laser machine
Dermatological skin analyzer
Пасматрет все категори
Dental Surgery Lens with ND-DL 3.5
Product Description:
1. Ability: bolshoe field blade, high blunt cuts, high resolution
2. Function: Radiation Regulatory Regulatory Medicine, Focus Regulatory Medicine
3. Temporary function: Blessing of flowers, flower of blessings:
4. Application: outpatient services, dentistry, LOR:
1. Dental Surgery Surgery.
2. Certificate: 2.5X, 3.5X:
3. Disassembly works: 320mm ~ 420mm:
4. Good bodice: regulation.
5. Точноя настройка, the speech in vain.
6. Upgrading the treatment of various interpersonal disorders.
7. Optics with resolved resolution, anti-glare.
8. Rama cooked and hoped.
In flowers 5 flowers in flowers. Yellow, white, yellow, brown, blue:
World of Light:
High Intensity, 15000-30000Lux:
Working time:> 5 hours of dental care with light-emitting diode
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