Dental equipment /

Стоматологическая установка /

Dental Surgery Lens...

Dental Surgery Lens with ND-DL 3.5


Product Description:
1. Ability: bolshoe field blade, high blunt cuts, high resolution
2. Function: Radiation Regulatory Regulatory Medicine, Focus Regulatory Medicine
3. Temporary function: Blessing of flowers, flower of blessings:
4. Application: outpatient services, dentistry, LOR:

1. Dental Surgery Surgery.
2. Certificate: 2.5X, 3.5X:
3. Disassembly works: 320mm ~ 420mm:
4. Good bodice: regulation.
5. Точноя настройка, the speech in vain.
6. Upgrading the treatment of various interpersonal disorders.
7. Optics with resolved resolution, anti-glare.
8. Rama cooked and hoped.
In flowers 5 flowers in flowers. Yellow, white, yellow, brown, blue:
World of Light:
High Intensity, 15000-30000Lux:
Working time:> 5 hours of dental care with light-emitting diode

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